Thursday, May 5, 2011


Awhile ago some friends and i where craving a surf trip, didn't want to go to Bali and we didn't want to spend alot of money as well. Tonga came up in conversation, gets swell, its cheap, has only one surf camp on the island, and sounded like a great place. So we booked and headed over there. It started with a small group of boys but we ended up with 9 of us(way too many). We stayed for 6 nights, for most of the week we had waves, i heard the place can be thickle, out of the 6 days we where there i think we surfed 4. The water was amazing, the other reefs where fun and lots of little breaks you can walk up the beach to and get a wave to yourself(if your not travelling with 8 guys). Depending on the swell direction the whole place will break left or right. It was a good trip with the boys, wasn't an epic waves trip but still supa fun.

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